The perfect follow-up for fans of Fourteen Wolves, this uplifting eco story follows the amazing true tale of three endangered sun bear cubs. Meet Tan-Tan 'the tiny one', Kitud 'the quiet one' and Boboi 'the big brother', and follow them from their heartbreaking beginnings as little cubs stolen from their natural habitat, through to their heroic rescue by Dr Wong before being released back into the wild Bornean rainforest where they belong. Featuring insightful fact pages about the amazing flora and fauna of the rainforest and its importance to the ecosystem, alongside inspiring information about how to save the bears.
ISBN: | 9781526655684 |
Publication date: | 5th June 2025 |
Author: | Catherine Barr |
Illustrator: | Harriet Hobday |
Publisher: | Bloomsbury Children's Books an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 48 pages |
Genres: |
Animal Stories Children’s / Teenage general interest: Bears |