In the third installment of the Anne of Green Gables series, Anne enrolls in college and must face new challenges inside and outside the classroom. The young student attempts to balance a vibrant social life with an intense course load that will push her to her limits. Anne has left the comforts of Green Gables to embark on her college career. While attending Redmond College in Nova Scotia, she meets a new friend, Philippa Gordon and a potential beau, Roy Gardner. As her social circle grows, Anne maintains her connection with childhood cohort, Gilbert Blythe. When his undeniable affection becomes clear, Anne reevaluates her hopes for the future, including marriage. Anne of the Island is a pivotal entry in L.M. Montgomery’s enduring Anne Shirley novels. Readers follow the protagonist as she experiences the necessary growing pains of adulthood. Once she finds her footing, Anne finally acknowledges an obvious but unspoken truth. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Anne of the Island is both modern and readable.
ISBN: | 9781513219554 |
Publication date: | 18th February 2021 |
Author: | L M Montgomery, Mint Editions |
Publisher: | Graphic Arts Books |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 212 pages |
Series: | Mint Editions |
Genres: |
Classic Literature Children’s / Teenage general interest: Girls and women Personal Social Health Economic (PSHE) |