The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Synopsis
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (1902) is a children's book by L. Frank Baum. Although less popular than his influential Wizard of Oz series-fourteen novels that inspired the classic 1939 film-The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus has been adapted as a graphic novel and into multiple animated films. A sequel short story, "A Kidnapped Santa Claus," appeared in 1904.
Discovered as a baby in the Forest of Burzee by Ak, the Master Woodsman of the World, Santa Claus is taken to be raised by Necile the Wood Nymph. After a peaceful childhood, Claus is introduced to human society. Horrified by the brutality and poverty of everyday life, Claus begins making toys in the Laughing Valley of Hohaho, eventually enlisting the help of the local Ryls in painting his elaborate carvings. As his toys gain in popularity, the evil Awgwas hatch a plan to steal them. Determined to bring joy to the children of the world, however, Claus never gives up on his plan to deliver his gifts. To help expand his operation, Claus employs two willing deer, who can help on only one night each year. Settling on Christmas Eve, they prepare for their very first journey.
Filled with rich, detailed layers of fantasy from the mind of L. Frank Baum, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus is a unique take on a timeless story of love and generosity. Long overshadowed by the Wizard of Oz series, Baum's children's book is required reading for those who refuse to let life lose its flavor of fantasy.
This edition of L. Frank Baum's The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus is a classic of children's literature reimagined for modern readers.
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