Hunting the skies is not for the faint-hearted. In a world where water is scarce and deadly jellyfish swim through the sky, mollycoddled teenager Christien dreams of excitement and danger. When he meets the exotic and alluring Jenine and her family of Cloud Hunters, he becomes determined to fulfil that dream...In a richly imaginative tale, perfect for both boys and girls as they launch themselves into the world of fiction as independent readers, Alex Shearer creates a Dahl-esque fantasy that roams through realms of magic, wonder and adventure.
ISBN: | 9781471400193 |
Publication date: | 1st November 2012 |
Author: | Alex Shearer, Joe Wilson |
Publisher: | Hot Key Books |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 288 pages |
Genres: |
Fantasy / Magical Adventure Stories |