This book will be heaven for digger devotees, and a dream come true for their parents too. A busy day on the motorway is drawing to a close: the various vehicles have been working hard – tipper truck, concrete mixer, backhoe loader et al – but now it’s time for the roadwork building friends to head for bed. As the bright lights of the motorway are swapped for the quiet blues and purples of a nightime sky, and the vehicles tucked up in their yard, readers too will be put in the mood for snuggling down. Claire Freedman clearly understands the music of the trucks as well as any young fan and with its cast of bright but realistically described and illustrated vehicles this is the ideal bedtime book for machine-mad youngsters. ~ Andrea Reece
A team of sleepy vehicles make their way home from a busy day constructing a new motorway... Best-selling author Claire Freedman creates another beautifully lyrical bedtime story as we join a group of sleepy road-building machines in their night-time routine. Coupled with bright imagery from Richard Smythe, and onomatopoeic interludes, Beep Beep Beep Time For Sleep! is the ideal read for any child’s bedtime wind-down.
Claire Freedman lives on the Essex coast. She has worked for the BBC, Harrods and for a reprographic company and now writes full-time. She is the author of a number of books for children, including A Kiss Goodnight, Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones and On This Special Night with Little Tiger Press. When not writing, Claire spends her time sailing, walking in the countryside and, when she can, travelling abroad.
Claire discovered her love of writing for children after joining a local writing group – which she still enjoys attending regularly. She began by writing stories and picture strips for comics including Twinkle, Pingu and Sesame Street, before trying her hand at picture books.