A Legend Reborn The world's most infamous hunter, Nikolas Rokoff, is sent into the jungle to steal a rare prize from Tarzan's camp. But Tarzan and his friends Jane and Robbie will stop at nothing to track him downcrossing the wild rainforest and hostile African savannah on a daring rescue mission.At the same time, Jane tries to learn more about Tarzan's past, and must decide whether reuniting him with his lost family is the right thing to do. And Robbie is torn by a plan that would keep the secrets of his own past safe, but might get rid of Tarzan for good.Lured to the city, Tarzan is forced to confront his greatest enemy. But time is running outand no one can be trusted.
ISBN: | 9781453262948 |
Publication date: | 16th October 2012 |
Author: | Briggs, Andy |
Publisher: | Open Road Media |
Format: | Ebook (Epub) |