Samir and his brother Ali live with their Gran in the vibrant community of Rainbow Street, Amman in Jordan. Samir is fascinated by birds and starts each day with feeding the sparrows on the balcony outside his bedroom and is inspired to learn more about birds of all kinds. He is very envious to hear that Gran’s father had a beautiful falcon of his own. This gives Gran an idea and she finds the perfect present for Samir at the local market: a beautiful falcon kite to fly high over the city. Part of the Reading Champion series to support independent reading, this delightful story is aimed at Key Stage Two readers who are working at Book Band Black 12 in class and gives them an opportunity to practise those skills and develop confidence and enjoyment. A Write It Yourself challenge suggests they use story mapping techniques and the sort of descriptive phrases that have brought Rainbow Street to life. This evocative, colourful story will transport young readers to a different place and the useful discussion questions at the back of the book will encourage them to think about the similarities and differences in their own lives.
Samir lives in Jordan with his family. His family bakery is in Rainbow street and it is here that Samir spends most of his time after school. But his true love is for birds. He is fascinated by them, their different shapes and sizes, colours and movements and one day, he gets to see the bird of his dreams ...
Lynne Rickards was born in Ottawa, Canada but now lives in Glasgow's West End with her family. She first started as an illustrator in her twenties but then decided to go back to University to study French. It wasn't until her forties that she discovered how much she liked writing.
Lynne's children are her main inspiration alongside her editor and agent. Her son is the model for Jack in 'Jack's Bed' because he hates going to bed but loves jumping on it! Lynne is particularly fond also of Jack's spotty leopard with gleaming eyes.
She describes herself as warm, open and fun!
To relax Lynne enjoys reading, making plasticine creatures with her daughter and snuggling with her son to watch Pingu.