Follow Flora and her zany family as she takes us through her day with a series of vibrant and interactive maps.
In our current GPS-ruled world, map-reading is something of a dying art. But learning to read, understand, and draw maps is a fun and active way for children to develop spatial thinking skills- how we think about and understand the world around us and use concepts of space for problem solving. Early exposure to maps concepts can help foster this type of cognitive development in children and boost their math and science learning as they progress through school.
Each hand-drawn, kid-friendly map highlights key map concepts in the context of a story or puzzle. Figure out which route to school is the fastest, how to find Flora's buried treasure, and even how to complete a dog agility course!
Includes a Note to Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals with more information about maps and spatial concepts, as well as questions, games, and activities designed to encourage children to map their own days!