Explore the garden through colour, touch and sound in this gorgeous Touchy-feely Sound book from Usborne Books. Each page has plenty for young hands and eyes to explore. The book also features a different sound chip cleverly added to bring the sounds of birds singing, bees buzzing and rain pitter pattering wherever you may be. Bright, colourful pictures on tough board with rounded corners make this a wonderful book to share with young book and nature lovers.
A great book to entertain young children, while allowing them to exploring the world around them.
A delightful and enjoyable sound book filled with gentle sounds of the garden. A great book to entertain young children, while allowing them to exploring the world around them.
• Press the buttons on each page to listen to the cheerful sounds of the vibrant garden beautifully illustrated throughout the book. Listen to chirping birds, humming bees, a gentle rainfall and many more pleasing sounds in this endearing book.
• Also includes touchy-feely textures, die-cuts and peep-holes which allow children to enjoy multi-sensory, interactive activity.
• Provides a great introduction to nature with plenty of items to look and spot for eager eyes and little fingers.
Sam Taplin grew up in a beautiful valley in Yorkshire, where he dreamed of being a writer, and after three years reading other people's books at university he started writing his own for Usborne. He's been doing it ever since.
When he's not writing about lonely rabbits or inquisitive bears, he likes doing card tricks, writing songs and playing long games of chess by the fire.