Irresistible to inquisitive fingers, the strokeable features within each book in the ‘That’s not my...’ series are designed to develop sensory and language awareness through the bright pictures, simple text and patches of different textures – in this one it’s a wooly hat, silky gloves and squashy socks among others.
A message from Peter Usborne, the founder of the 'That's not my...' series: The ‘That’s not my...’ Touchy-feely titles is Usborne’s flagship series . A phenomenal success it is quite obviously adored by the very young.
This is a new title in the groundbreaking That's not my... series. It is an award-winning series shortlisted for the British Book Industry Stora Enso Award for Design and Production. It combines bright, colourful illustrations with a variety of different textures to touch and feel on each page. It helps very young children develop important language and sensory skills. The Series was awarded 'Best Buy' by the readers of Prima Baby magazine.
Fiona Watt is an Editorial Director and writer at Usborne Publishing. She graduated from Exeter University with a Batchelor of Education in Art and Design. She taught for three years at a primary school in Kent, before spending two years at a British school in The Netherlands. She started working at Usborne in 1989 and has written and edited hundreds of books including baby and novelty, sticker, art and craft, cookery, science and activity books. She has written all the titles in the award-winning 'That's not my….' series and many in the highly successful Sticker Dolly Dressing series. She is the fourth biggest-selling UK children's author, with over 10 million of her books sold in the UK since records began.
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