Macabre and gruesome and wickedly funny, this is dark story of one boy’s determined quest to destroy those who have hurt him and his family. When Osbert wins a coveted place at the prestigious Institute he uncovers every kind of cruelty and corruption imaginable...Many children and their families have suffered in silence over the years. Osbert is made of sterner stuff; his revenge is deliberate and severe...
Tales from Schwartzgarte: Osbert the Avenger Synopsis
The first book in the gruesomely funny Tales from Schwartzgarten series.
Meet Osbert Brinkhoff, the unlikeliest of avengers. His is a tale of dark delights and ghastly goings-on, of injustice and revenge. The villains are vicious. The settings are sinister. And good does NOT always prevail...
If you prefer cleavers to kittens and fiends to fairies...then welcome to the GRUESOMELY FUNNY Tales from Schwartzgarten.
An idiosyncratic comic fantasy... it is likely that children will be most enthusiastic. -- Books for Keeps
Extraordinary, brilliant, spooky, clever, five star – Alex, 11
I thought the book was amazing – Imdad, 11
Mind blowing, exhilarating thriller novel – Wasif, 10
About Christopher William Hill
Christopher William Hill was born in Truro, in Cornwall - a little jaundiced, but that was to be expected in the grim days of the 1970s. His mother was a former nurse, so Christopher grew up with a copy of Black's Medical Dictionary to hand, which was ideal reading matter for an enthusiastic hypochondriac. He liked acting and putting on silly voices, and collecting ancient relics which he gathered in a large walk-in wardrobe that called his 'museum'. Christopher loves walking, ocean liners, airships, Victoriana and cake shops.