Love hurts ... but should it hurt this much? Reeling from her mum''s sudden departure, Anna finds the comfort she needs in her blossoming relationship with Will. He''s handsome and loving, everything Anna has always dreamt of. He''s also moody and unpredictable, pushing her away from her friends and her music. He wants her to be his and his alone. He wants her to be perfect. Anna''s world is closing in. But threatening everything is a dark secret that not even Will can control... Eve Ainsworth''s gripping second novel is a pitch-perfect exploration of love at its most powerful, addictive and destructive.
Eve Ainsworth is a public speaker, creative workshop coordinator and award-winning author who draws from her extensive work with teenagers managing emotional and behavioural issues to write authentic, honest and real novels for young people.
Eve lives in West Sussex with her husband and two children.