Shortlisted for the Booktrust Teenage Prize 2007. A very sophisticated horror story that involves a young girls struggle against the demons lurking within the attic that appear to be controlling her sister. This chilling and nightmarish tale will have you hiding under the duvet compelled to read on by torchlight. The plot deals with family emotional conflict and reconciliation and therefore comes highly recommended for the younger teenager.
Amber's family think she's gone to Cornwall on holiday, but really she's left home. She's forging a new life - new housemates, new job and (with a little luck) new boyfriend. She feels bad because her mother and Poppy need her, but she's got to make the break, get out of their clutches. Then Amber falls ill and her family come to look after her. Something in the house responds to Poppy's presence, something malign and threatening. When Poppy moves into the attic, it gets even stronger, until evil seems to permeate everywhere and Amber thinks she might never be able to escape...This is a chilling and absorbing novel from a brilliant storyteller.
Tapping into the gothic, romance market, Kate is a successful author of teen fiction, drawing inspiration from memories and from her teenage children. Kate lives in the countryside just outside London and is just beginning work on a new title about female power.