Mums everywhere have a soft spot for Mrs Large, recognising so many of their own experiences in Jill Murphy’s character. Here Mr Large nobly steps up when his wife is feeling under the weather, giving her a much-needed day in bed. But a series of crashes from downstairs, and the appearance at her bedside of various small members of her family to explain what caused them, mean that poor Mrs Large has hardly a minute’s peace all day. It’s another beautifully observed slice of family life, Mrs Large’s facial expressions in particular are a delight and the final image of the whole family sprawled out fast asleep on her bed will make everyone smile. ~ Andrea Reece
Mrs Large isn't feeling well so Mr Large sends her back to bed, and takes charge. So while he and the children get busy hoovering, dusting and tidying, Mrs Large settles down for a nice rest. But with Mr Large in charge, Mrs Large's restful day is not as restful as she'd hoped!
Jill Murphy is one of Britain’s most treasured author–illustrators. She wrote and illustrated her first book, the bestselling The Worst Witch, while still only eighteen, and went on to create the award-winning Large family series, which has sold over five million copies worldwide and been adapted for television. Jill’s other characters include a small monster called Marlon who starred in the acclaimed picture books The Last Noo-Noo and All for One, and Ruby the bunny, who stars in Jill's latest picture book, Meltdown! Jill lives in Cornwall.