Book banded at Orange for early fluent readers this has all the features which makes this scheme so attractive to readers, teachers and to parents who will be sharing the book with their child. The bunting design enables them to see exactly how the book fits in the scheme progression and the summary page outlines all the learning features of the text. At this level this means the text will introduce and reinforce high – frequency words as well as phonological awareness. One of the most appealing aspects of Engage Literacy scheme is that fiction and information texts are linked and so this text sits alongside one called Growing Up. Both are very valuable curriculum support for Key Stage 1 and the sample inferential questions help cement the learning. The family situation is universally relatable and the dialogue manages to be both humorous and unstilted, but, perhaps most important of all in light of recent research on representation in children’s books, we have lovely positive images of an authentic multicultural family.
Engage Literacy is the new reading scheme from Raintree that introduces engaging and contemporary content to motivate and support early readers while providing a reliable and instructional framework. All titles are precisely levelled, with new vocabulary being introduced and reinforced throughout the levels. This is a level 15 fiction title in the Orange book band level.
Jay Dale is the lead author and consultant for Engage Literacy. Jay comes from a teaching background, having taught in both Australia and Japan. She is also an experienced editor and publisher. An accomplished children's book author, Jay has written extensively for leading educational publishers and has many successful titles currently in print. Jay has also authored and published electronic products including teaching objects for interactive whiteboards and digital activities for children.