This is a fantastic who, when, why and where book devoted to the exciting world of inventors and inventions through time. Successful inventions as well as failures are featured but best of all it’s a brilliant potted history on those key inventions that have changed our world.
It’s a book that is sure to keep children from 6-10 with ‘big ideas’ fully immersed for hours. And, you never know, your child might in time be remembered as one of the 21st century’s most famous inventors.
Brainwaves are little mischief makers with big ideas. They tell you about key inventions, the breakthroughs that lead to them and answers to questions like - When was the wheel first used? This book reveals the who, what, when, where and why of various inventions and explains the way it transformed the way we live.
Roger Bridgman read Natural Sciences at Cambridge, but worked for several years as a graphic designer. After studying electronics, he became a design engineer at Marconi. Roger was Curator of Communications at the Science Museum for over ten years, during which he wrote DK's Eyewitness Science: Technology and Eyewitness Science: Electronics and gained an MSc in History of Technology at Imperial College, London.