This imaginative treat follows the eleven stories that an author floats out into the world to find their own true settings. Attached to paper balloons, each takes a different course as they fly across the countryside to find their own destinations. And gradually they start coming back to Bambert, their creator, even the eleventh which takes a long, long time. Each of Bambert’s stories is unusually imaginative and elegantly told.
Bambert lives alone in his attic home. He feels out of place in the world and finds solace in the characters he creates in his stories. One day, he decides to send his eleven stories out into the world, to find their own setting. He attaches them to paper balloons and sends them out on a windy night.
Reinhardt Jung was born in Germany in 1949. He worked with an international children’s organisation before becoming head of children’s broadcasting in Stuttgart in 1992. He died in 1999.