"The Water-Babies" is a classic children's novel by Charles Kingsley, first published in 1863. Tom, a young chimney sweep, is transformed into a water-baby after a near-death experience. He embarks on a magical journey, meeting a variety of strange and wonderful creatures, and learning valuable lessons about morality and kindness. Along the way, he discovers the secrets of the underwater world and the importance of friendship. This timeless classic is sure to delight readers of all ages, and is a must-read for any fan of fairytales and adventure stories. Charles Kingsley (1819 - 1875) was an English clergyman, university professor, historian, and novelist. His other works include "Westward Ho!" (1855), "Hypatia" (1853), and "The Heroes" (1856).
ISBN: | 9781404339507 |
Publication date: | 15th January 2003 |
Author: | Charles Kingsley |
Publisher: | IndyPublish.com |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 176 pages |
Genres: |
Classic Literature |