Drama and Reading for Meaning Ages 4-11 A Practical Book of Ideas for Primary Teachers Synopsis
Drama and Reading for Meaning Ages 4-11 contains over 40 creative drama ideas to help develop reading for meaning in the primary school. The wide range of clearly explained, structured and engaging drama activities will appeal to all primary practitioners who wish to develop more creative approaches to the teaching of reading. The activities show how drama can develop some of the skills associated with reading for meaning such as empathising with characters’ feelings, exploring settings and themes and making inferences based on evidence. The step-by-step activities range from familiar classroom drama strategies such as freeze-frames and hot-seating to less well-known approaches involving whole class drama experiences. The book also serves as an introduction to using drama as a learning medium, with advice on how to set the ground rules and clear explanations of the drama strategies.
Each chapter has a detailed explanation of what to do, followed by a number of examples linked to quality texts, including poetry and non-fiction. From bringing books to life in reception and Years 1 and 2, to peeling back the layers of meanings in Years 3 to 6, all the drama activities in this book are designed to improve reading for meaning and help motivate children to read for pleasure, making this an essential resource for all primary settings.
"Do you want to develop children’s imaginations and refresh your English teaching? Then look no further. This energising and accessible book will inspire teachers and children alike. Linked to literature and nonfiction texts, the step-by-step drama lessons support reading at greater depth and enable children to investigate characters’ motivations, actions, and relationships, as well as explore real-life issues. A rich resource to support the development of language, interpretation and reading for meaning."
Teresa Cremin, Professor of Education (Literacy), The Open University, UK
About Larraine S. Harrison
Larraine S. Harrison, formerly a local authority school improvement adviser and author of several drama books covering Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to Key Stage 3, has spent many years promoting drama as a tool for teaching and learning. She is currently a part time drama-in-education consultant, school governor and author of two children’s books: Red Snow and Angel’s Child.