Tony Frais Press Reviews
'Noah's Rocket is a far-fetched, highly readable reworking of the Noah and the flood story. The modern Mr Noah escapes the flood in a rocket, and it's not a dove sent out to see if the waters have subsided, but a spider.' Times Education Supplement
'The popular story of Noah’s Ark is transformed into the 21st Century. Reminding the reader initially of the original story in the bible, it then sets out to imagine how that story would be in today’s world. It is written with lively humorous and thought-provoking suggestions. Written simply for children to read themselves or as a class group. A great story, retold many times, still interesting, lively and animated..' RE Today
“In most cases it does meet our criteria for what we consider ‘dyslexia friendly” Karin Thurston, Dyslexia Action
Some feedback from teachers and parents of reluctant readers and children with dyslexia:
“Following your visit to his school Robert has arrived home animated and keen to tell us about the day. He is now enjoying reading Noah's Rocket. It's such a pleasure to see him enjoy and understand fiction - hopefully the start of things to come. We look forward to your next publication - as does Robert!”
“My son is dyslexic, and we have an ongoing battle getting him to read anything, let alone a book! Since Monday, he has, for the first time in his life, been reading for fun! All three of our children love Noah's Rocket, even the four year old, and can't wait ‘til bed time to hear the next chapter or two.”
“One of my staff attended a book signing of yours in Leeds as her 8 year daughter is a reluctant reader, and recommended Noah’s Rocket to me as they both loved it so much, as a potential book for our volunteers to read with their children in school. I had to agree with her it was obvious that you have an understanding of helping reluctant readers and I also found it really funny and have bought a copy for my nephew who also loves it.”
“Following your visit to his school we just wanted to let you know how much Andrew is enjoying reading Noah's Rocket. It's such a pleasure to see him enjoy and understand fiction - hopefully the start of things to come.”
A message from Lloyd who hated books until finding Noah’s Rocket:
“The best book ever [though his mum says he’s never actually read one before] - I didn’t want to put it down, it was so exciting and funny, absolutely brilliant!’
And from some kids and their teacher at a primary school:
“A modern day retelling of the story of Noah’s Ark, including references to things such as the Internet, TV and the building in London that looks like a giant cucumber!” Teacher, Mill Dam Junior & Infants School
“It is funny. I don’t think I disliked anything about the story. It is really good. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes reading – young or old. It is brill! If you don’t read it you will have missed out on something brilliant!” Alice, Age 9, Mill Dam J&I School
“This is a modern story of Noah’s Ark. It’s a very good book. Overall, I would give it a 10 out of 10.”Olivia, Age 9, Mill Dam J&I School
“I liked the end because it is funny but it was all good. I did not dislike any of it because it was so good. I really enjoyed the book and it you ever get the chance to read it you will agree.” Jessica, Age 9, Mill Dam J&I School