Shortlisted for The Little Rebels Children's Book Award 2014. This is a picture books of great beauty and hope about the power we have to transform our world. The Promise is the story of a magical discovery that will touch the heart and imagination of every reader, young and old. With poignant simplicity, honesty and lyricism, Nicola Davies evokes a powerful vision of a world where people and nature live in harmony. And Laura Carlin's delicate illustrations capture a young girl's journey from a harsh, urban reality to the beauty and vitality of a changed world.
"This tale is a sturdy one that is made even more emphatic by Davies's terse writing style. The text is heightened in every way by Carlin's outstanding mixed-media artwork." - Booklist (starred review)
On a mean street in a mean, broken city, a young girl tries to snatch an old woman's bag. But the frail old woman says the thief can't have it without giving something in return: the promise. It is the beginning of a journey that will change the girl's life - and a chance to change the world, for good.
Nicola Davies is an award-winning author whose many books for children include Ice Bear, Big Blue Whale and King of the Sky. She is a Zoology graduate, an expert in whales and bats, and has worked for the BBC Natural History Unit. She lives in Powys