The Historical House is a unique collection of six intertwining novels by three highly regarded, award-winning authors. Each novel charts the life and times of the house at 6 Chelsea Walk, London, and the girls who lived there through some very different but fascinating and important periods of history. Historically strong, these are also dramatic stories with a real sense of atmosphere. Each novel sheds an impressively wide light on the social and economic picture of their time and each one stands alone but girls from 8 through to 11 or 12 will I feel want to read them all given the experience of my girls as together they create a powerful tour de force. The three new titles in the series, out now are Andie’s Moon, which is set in 1969, Cecily’s Portrait, set in 1895 and Mary Ann and Miss Mozart, which is set in 1764. The three backlist titles published a couple of years ago and reissued now to coincide with the new titles are equally inspiring are a girl’s desire to be a gardener at Kew around the time of its opening, Lizzie’s Wish, Polly’s March picks up on the suffragette movement in the early 20th century, whilst Josie under Fire features a girl caught up in the Blitz in 1941.
On an extended visit to her cousins in London, Lizzie visits the newly opened Kew Gardens. Like her elder cousin Lizzie has ambition and the will to go against the conventions of her Victorian peers. She wants to be a gardener, and the first step towards her dream is to plant a walnut in the garden of No 6 Chelsea Walk. Ages 9+.
Adele Geras was born in Jerusalem. She was educated at St. Hilda's College, Oxford and now lives in Manchester. She has been a teacher and an actress and is now a full-time writer.