The start of a hilarious new middle-grade series from beloved award-winning, bestselling author Pamela Butchart.
Just how far will one boy go to become a fully-fledged billionaire?
So here's the thing about me. I'm a billionaire. An actual REAL-LIFE billionaire! And you know how some people who get rich say stuff like, "I can't believe it!" and "I never thought it would happen to me!" Well ... I CAN believe it. And I KNEW it would happen to me. Because I PLANNED IT. I PLANNED to become the world's RICHEST ten-year-old. And you know what? It WORKED.
This is voice-led fiction at its finest told in engaging diary format The start of a hilarious new middle-grade series
Pamela Butchart lives in Dundee with her baby boy and their two awesome cats, Bear & Carlos. If she wasn't working as a writer and a teacher she'd like to open a luxury hotel for stray cats.
As a child, Pamela was lucky enough to grow up in a house full of pets and go to a primary school where lots of spooky and weird things happened (well, in her imagination at least). As a student, Pamela's student jobs included: fishwife, teaching basketball in America, phlebotomist and Artist Liaison for a (really bad) Abba tribute band.
Her top selling stories include The Spy Who Loved School Dinners which won the Blue Peter Best Story Award and My Head Teacher is a Vampire Rat which won The Children's Book Award. Two of her books, Petunia Perry and the Curse of the Ugly Pigeon and There's a Werewolf in My Tent, were shortlisted for the Lollies - the Laugh Out Loud Awards.