The story of rabbit hero Podkin One-Ear continues in this exciting new adventure. The first book in The Five Realms series won the Blue Peter Book Award and readers will be pleased to hear that the second matches it for excitement, thrills and humour too. Early on in the proceedings, Podkin discovers another lost object, this time the Moonfyre brooch, which brings him extra special abilities. He’ll need them as he and his comrades battle on against the terrifying army of the Gorm. As told by the Bard (who readers now know to be Podkin’s little brother), the story grips from the first page, filled with action, detail and a good pinch of magic. Epic stuff, and proof that it’s the size of your heart that matters most, not how big you are. Illustrations by David Wyatt add to the excitement.
The bard tiptoes out of his room, the crow-dream still echoing in his head, making him twitch at imaginary creaks of iron wings.The bard must leave Thornbury. It is not safe for him to stay. Rue, his new apprentice, travels with him - keen to learn his trade - and hear the next installment in the legend of Podkin One-Ear . . . Podkin and his fellow rabbits have been sheltering in Dark Hollow after their battle with Scramashank. Paz tends to the rabbits with sleeping sickness; Crom meets with the war council . . . Podkin has nothing to do! Frustrated, Podkin goes exploring and discovers an abandoned underground chamber! Armed with the Gift of Dark Hollow, Podkin learns to moonstride, and Paz is rewarded with a magical gift of her own . . .
Kieran Larwood was born in Kenya. He moved to the UK when he was 2 and lived in various places before settling on the Isle of Wight where he can still be found: exploring rockpools, climbing trees and writing - slowly disappearing behind a mountain of notebooks and empty coffee mugs. He taught Reception class in a primary school for fifteen years before becoming a full-time author.
Kieran’s books have won several awards, including the Blue Peter Best Story and the Prix Sorcières.
He is inspired by a life-long love of fantasy stories, which all began when – as a young boy – he picked up a copy of The Hobbit and saw the map inside. It just goes to show – you never know where opening a book will lead…