LoveReading4Kids Says
November 2014 Book of the Month A cat with a difference! Atticus Claw may look like any other tabby cat but, when some famous works of art go missing, Atticus Claw – once a cat burglar but now a police cat – is on the case. In a fast-paced adventure, Atticus Claw not only indentifies the prime suspect but also gets caught up in the equally pressing disaster that is about to befall Inspector Cheddar of Tate Modern. Atticus Claw does some serious sleuth work in the heart of the art world.
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Jennifer Gray Press Reviews
‘Atticus is the coolest cat in the world. This is the coolest book in the world.’ Lexi, age 7
‘Atticus Claw is fantastic because it has interesting creatures and characters. I especially like Atticus.’ Charlotte, aged 8
‘I think that this book is the best book I’ve ever read because it’s so funny!’ Yasmin, age 10
‘Fun and exciting, Atticus Grammiticus Cattypuss Claw is the most cutest. Once i opened it i just couldn’t put it down.’ Saamia, age 9
‘It’s mysterious – it makes you want to read on.’ Evie, aged 7
‘I would recommend it to a friend.’ Mollie, aged 10
‘Once you start to read it you can’t stop!’ Molly, age 8
About Jennifer Gray
Jennifer Gray is a lawyer and writer. Jennifer's other work includes the Guinea Pigs Online series for younger readers, and a new series for 7+, Chicken Mission. Her Atticus Claw books have been shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize and received numerous great reviews - especially from children! She lives in London and Scotland with her husband and four children, and of course Henry, a friendly but enigmatic cat.
More About Jennifer Gray