This richly illustrated collection presents the extraordinary life stories of fourteen bright stars from Black British history - from Tudor England to modern Britain - and charts their ongoing influence.
This important and timely book delves into the life stories of important figures - including Tudor trumpeter John Blanke, storytelling freedom fighter Mary Prince, and Notting Hill Carnival founder Claudia Jones - many of whom are only just beginning to get the recognition that they deserve.
Brought to life through hand-painted illustrations by award-winning illustrator Angela Vives, Bright Stars of Black British History shines a light on the courage, resilience and talent of remarkable individuals who have left a lasting mark on our collective history.
J.T. Williams studied English Literature at Cambridge University before becoming a primary school teacher. After teaching full-time, she became a programme manager at the Royal African Society leading creative writing schools workshops for the literature festival Africa Writes.
Now a freelance educator and writer, she has won several prizes for her work.
Her debut short story appeared in The Very Merry Murder Club, edited by Robin Stevens and Serena Patel.