Will, the ranger's apprentice owes it to his friend to find him. Horace went missing months ago when he was sent on a military mission. With his friends Alyss and Evanlyn, Will eventually finds him in Nihon-Ja where the rightful emperor has been overthrown. Now Will must face the highly trained Senshi warriors, while Alyss and Evanlyn must overcome their rivalry to seek help from a mysterious group of mountain dwellers.
John Flanagan began his working life in advertising before moving to freelance writing and script editing. He has written TV jingles and comedy-drama for television, and is one of Australia's more prolific TV writers. John wrote the first book in The Ranger's Apprentice series to encourage his twelve-year-old son to enjoy reading. Michael was a small boy, and all his friends were bigger and stronger that he was. John wanted to show him that reading was fun, and heroes weren't necessarily big and muscular. Now in his mid-twenties, Michael is six feet tall, broad-shouldered and powerful - but he still loves The Ranger's Apprentice. John lives in the beachside Sydney suburb of Manly.