Return to Harlem's "wildly entertaining" family in this funny, heartwarming sequel. When catastrophe strikes their beloved upstairs neighbors, the Vanderbeeker children set out to build the best, most magical healing garden in Harlem-in spite of a locked fence, thistles and trash, and the conflicting plans of a wealthy real estate developer.
While Isa is off at sleepaway orchestra camp, Jessie, Oliver, Hyacinth, and Laney are stuck at home in the brownstone with nothing to do but get on one another's nerves. But when catastrophe strikes their beloved upstairs neighbor, their sleepy summer transforms in an instant as the Vanderbeeker children band together to do what they do best: make a plan. They will create the most magical healing garden in all of Harlem.
The New York Times bestselling Vanderbeekers series is perfect for fans of the Penderwicks. As ALA Booklist commented in a starred review: "Few families in children's literature are as engaging or amusing as the Vanderbeekers, even in times of turmoil."
The series includes:
ISBN: | 9780358117346 |
Publication date: | 30th September 2019 |
Author: | Karina Yan Glaser |
Publisher: | Clarion Books an imprint of HarperCollins |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 352 pages |
Series: | The Vanderbeekers |