This is the first story in a series of three featuring supernatural spirits, with each one set in a different exotic city. Secret Lives has a gripping unputdownable plot, a sophisticated Parisian setting and paranormal romance that will set the readers pulse racing. Following the success of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, this provides the perfect reading material for all those desperate for more, with the excellent quality of writing setting it apart from other wannabe paranormal romance titles.
The Darke Academy is a school like no other. An elite establishment that moves to an exotic new city every term, its students are impossibly beautiful, sophisticated and rich. And the more new scholarship girl Cassie Bell learns about the Academy, the more curious she becomes.
What sinister secrets are guarded by the Few -- the select group of students who keep outsiders away? Who is the dark stranger prowling the corridors at night? And what really happened a year earlier, when the last scholarship girl died in mysterious circumstances? One thing Cassie will discover is that a little knowledge may be a dangerous thing, but knowing too much can be deadly...
Gabriella Poole is a pseudonym used by Gillian Philip. Gillian is based in the north-east highlands of Scotland, where she lives with one husband, two children, one labrador (Cluny), two cats (Pebble and Dash), and way too many rabbits.