A real summer special continues this delightful series featuring friendship fairy Felicity as she goes off with her fairy friends on her summer holiday to a distant land. She has such a wonderful time that she’s not sure she and her friends will want to leave ‘Friend Land’. A touching and endearing story.
Story 1 - It is the start of the fairies' summer adventure. They are on their way to Dreamland but it's not long before their plans start to go wrong...Story 2 - The fairies are on their way to Bird Island but they are not alone! Being a Friendship Fairy, Felicity has made one or two friends along the way...Story 3 - The fairies are on their last leg of the journey to Friend Land. Will Felicity ever be able to leave somewhere so close to her heart?
Emma Thomson is a fine artist with over nine years' experience of illustrating products for all of the major high street chains and has close links with M&S, for whom she has launched two extremely successful merchandise properties in the 1990s. Emma is now co-founder of White Lion Publishing which publishes her cards - in particular the Felicity Wishes range.