A mysterious toymaker who lives as a recluse in an old mansion, surrounded by the magical beings he has created...
A sickly wife locked away in a hidden room...
An enigma involving strange lights that shine out from the small island on which an old, disused lighthouse stands...
A shadowy creature that hides deep in the woods...
These are the elements of a mystery will bind 14-year-old Irene to Ismael during one magical summer spent in Blue Bay when her mother takes a job as a housekeeper for the enigmatic toymaker, Lazarus Jann.
A novel of mystery, intrigue and romance from the author of THE PRINCE OF MIST and THE SHADOW OF THE WIND.
ISBN: | 9780297856269 |
Publication date: | 9th May 2013 |
Author: | Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Publisher: | W&N an imprint of Orion |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 246 pages |