With a Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock, It surely must be One O'Clock. Do you dare open this mystery book? Come on inside, just take a look. And find yourself in Tolling Town. A chance to buy a silver crown. #Treasure #Excitement #Magic This is a choose your own fairy tale adventure for ages 8+ Dyslexic friendly version with Sans serif font Light Grey background
Professor T J Chronos was born and raised in a far-off land which sadly no longer exists. After discovering a strange pocket watch, Professor Chronos mastered the power of time and space. Professor Chronos spends each day and night keeping an eye out for heroes and champions who can complete quests and defeat evil. When Professor Chronos finds someone who may be worthy, a magic book is left where they can find it. Once the book is opened, chronomantic magic transports the potential hero or heroine to a land where they must complete a quest to prove their worth.