A hurtling adventure begins at the click of a computer. Ordinary schoolboy Jake Hunter finds himself a global fugitive wanted for blackmail, theft and kidnapping after he enters a tempting looking website. The stakes are high in the race for survival. Why not also try the book Hero.com: Rise of the Heroes, the hero series that’s is being published alongside its antithesis to decide for yourself which side you’re on. If you need help to decide then you can also check out www.whichsideareyouon.co.uk
School bully Jake Hunter receives a mysterious email inviting him to join a scheme for world domination. With unlimited power and wealth at his fingertips, how can he resist? But to get it he has to become an arch-criminal, entangled in a plan that threatens the planet. And that could just be a step too far ...'Council of Evil' is the first book in the action packed new anti-series 'VILLAIN.NET' - the perfect antidote to the series 'HERO.COM', also by screenwriter Andy Briggs. Which side are you on?
Andy Briggs was born in Liverpool, England. Having endured many careers, ranging from pizza delivery and running his own multimedia company to teaching both IT and film-making (though not at the same time), he eventually remembered the contant encouragement he had received at an early age about his writing. That led him to launch himself on a poor unsuspecting Hollywood. In between having fun writing movie scripts, Andy now has far too much fun writing novels.
He lives in a secret lair somewhere in the south east of England-attempting to work despite his two crazy cats. His claims about possessing superpowers may be somewhat over-exaggerated…
Q & A with Andy Briggs
1. What inspired you to write these books?
A life-long love of comic books and action adventure stories. I originally thought of it as a movie or TV show but the ideas kept growing in size and scope! 2. Describe them in two lines?
Hero.com and Villain.net are two action-packed superhero series that will throw you back in your seat as they take you on a wild thrill ride.
3. How long did it take you to write?
The ideas have been bubbling away for a couple of years, but once I started putting it on paper they flowed quite quickly.
4. What do you think people will say about this book?
Hopefully. . . “Wow!” 5. Are you working on something else at the moment?
I have a few movie scripts that I’m working on and I already have ideas for further adventures in this series! 6. What is your favourite food?
I love every type of food - I even ate live termites in Venezuela. But I think Mexican Chicken Fajitas are the best thing in the world. . . oh, and strawberries. 7. What makes you laugh out loud?
My clumsy cats falling off things, The Simpsons and the classic Laurel and Hardy. 8. What is your one luxury item you would take with you on to a Desert Island?
A speedboat. . . you’ll never know when you have to leave in a hurry!
9. What is your most treasured memory?
Oooh. . . so difficult. I would have to say it is one of two STRIKING memories - scuba diving in coral reefs off Mauritius for the first time. . . or walking through Paramount Studio gates as an employee, after seeing the classic image in books and on TV so many times. . . 10. What is your weakness?
Being easily distracted by the Internet and TV. . . what was I saying? 11. What is the worst/most unusual job you have ever done?
Pizza delivery - I lasted half a night. I got lost and crashed too. . . 12. Who is the person you most admire?
Difficult. . . I would have to say Steven Spielberg. . . or Stan Lee (creator of all the famous Marvel comic characters). Or self-made people like Steve Jobs (founder of Apple), Bill Gates and Richard Branson. Or any explorers. . . Michael Palin. . . 13. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Possibly the first time I stood up in front of a class of 30 French children to give my first Film lesson. . . I bumbled through with difficulty, but eventually got so comfortable with it that I continued for every summer for 7 years. 14. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Never give up. Never. 15. What is the best piece of advice you could give to someone?
You can achieve anything if you think you can. 16. Favourite holiday destination?
Anywhere there’s something to explore - particularly diving or trekking through the jungle.
17. Most treasured possession?
A personally signed Stan Lee comic book. 18. Where are you happiest?
Outside in the jungle, swimming in the ocean or just watching a good film.
19. Favourite biscuit?
Chocolate Shortbread, followed by Shortbread. . . do Jaffa Cakes count? 20. Pet hates?
Being late - I always prefer to be a little early. . . or at least on time!