Zinging with good humour, how Hattie enjoys being bad, then sees the advantages to being good before reverting to a bit more bad with has direct child appeal and will have readers laughing at and with this likeable heroine –especially when she shouts ‘knickers’. The jokes are good and they also provide food for thought about all kinds of behaviour and responses to it.
Hattie was bad. Really bad. When I say bad, I don't just mean
forget-to-tidy-her-room, reading-comics-after-bedtime kind of bad. No,
she was so bad, no-one was allowed to play with her. But it's no fun
being bad on your own, is it? So, she becomes Hattie the Good. Good
Hattie tidies her room and goes to bed early. But nobody likes a
goody-two shoes now, do they? In the most hilarious moment in a picture
book ever, Hattie rebels in spectacular fashion and reverts to being bad
...for good!
Jane Devlin grew up in Harrow and did a BA in English Literature at Leeds University. She then worked as a primary school teacher in London for many years. 'Hattie the Bad' is her first picture book. Joe Berger has been drawing for as long as he can remember. He has a background in animation and illustrates a weekly comic strip in the Guardian. Joe's first picture book 'Bridget Fidget' was published in 2008.