Prepare to be dazzled by this truly re-markable creation. Old exotic tales from the east are brought to life by Jan Piekowski's beautiful silhouettes on colour. The use of silver ink printing throughout makes this book a truly wonderful production of one of the oldest and best-loved story collections. Ali baba, Aladdin and Sinbad literally jump out of the page at you.
Welcome to an ancient world of enchantment and adventure where animals talk, genies grant wishes and sorcerers and sultans rub shoulders with men. Based on the original nineteenth-century English translation by Sir Richard Burton, this title retells these tales with a flourish of magic.
Jan Pieñkowski is a celebrated illustrator of children's books and an internationally renowned master of silhouettes. He has won the Greenaway Medal twice for his illustration of Joan Aiken's The Kingdom Under the Sea and for the pioneering pop-up book Haunted House. David Walser is a writer, translator, artist and musician. His two previous collaborations with Jan Pieñkowski are the much acclaimed The Fairy Tales and The Thousand Nights and One Night.