Shortlisted for the Nasen TES Book Award. This is a wonderful tale of love, friendship and independence between a little boy, Dan and his dog Diesel. Emotions are tested to their limit when Diesel is dogknapped but it all ends happily in the end.
Dan's dog, Diesel, is a wonder dog. He can do anything. He can ride on trains and planes and in underground tunnels. When Dan is with Diesel, he can go anywhere. He can go shopping at the market. He can climb mountains and draw pictures in his head. Together, they can conquer the world. But one day, Diesel is whisked away in a big black van.
After taking her degree in Geography and Anthropology, Charlotte Hudson went to Africa to travel and explore. She spent three years teaching in Zambia and then came back to England to take a PGCE. She taught in primary schools, first in Suffolk and in London, for four years before becoming a full-time writer. She is the author of Monkey Words and Who Will Sing My Puff-a-Bye?