A joyful exploration of family life, written by one of the most outstanding contemporary authors of our generation. This beautiful family story follows a young girl called Chino as she plays with her mama's sleeping scarf through the day.
Running with the scarf, Chino weaves together little incidentals of home life into a glorious celebration of the power of a mother-daughter relationship, and the gentle joys that build a perfect day. Exquisitely written with compelling simplicity, this is a heartfelt homage to family love.
A compelling debut picture book from one of the most important voices in literature today, brought into glorious technicolour through the vibrant and contemporary illustrations of Joelle Avelino.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who grew up in Nigeria,
was shortlisted for the 2002 Caine Prize for African Writing. Her work
has been selected by the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association and the
BBC Short Story Awards and has appeared in various literary
publications, including Zoetrope and The Iowa Review.
Author photograph by Marco Del Grande
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novelHalf of a Yellow Sun is a stunning book throughout, set in 1960’s Nigeria as it erupts into
the Biafran War of secession. There is so much I loved about
this book, the crisp narration that never balks from taking the reader
into the darkest corners of man’s nature, the relationship between the
twin sisters Olanna and Kainene, the clashing of their different
natures and the divergent paths they follow.