October 2014 Book of the Month Chosen from across the world, a fight to the death is the destiny of the twelve young people who have been selected to represent their families in the Endgame. The Players know who they are and they know which line they represent. Sarah from Omaha is Player of the 223rdline – the Cahokian; Jago Tialoc from Peru, Player of the 21st line, is the son of two Players. They are just two of the twelve who, like all the rest, have been training for the deadly Endgame. It is a challenge of strength and skill with unscrambling puzzles at its very heart. Each of the Players reacts differently to their fate and to the journey they have embarked on. Readers, too, will have to follow the clues to get to tease out this well-crafted and well-knotted puzzle.
This exciting new collaboration between James Frey and Google Niantic Labs is a multi-media experience, which links the Engame trilogy, of which The Calling is the first, with an app puzzle. Solve the Endgame mythology puzzle, through clues and riddles found throughout the book, and you get the chance to win $500,000 in pure gold!
Twelve ancient cultures were chosen millennia ago to represent humanity in Endgame, a global game that will decide the fate of humankind. Endgame has always been a possibility, but never a reality...until now. Twelve meteorites have just struck Earth, each meteorite containing a message for a Player who has been trained for this moment. At stake for the Players: saving their bloodline, as well as the fate of the world. And only one can win. Endgame is real. Endgame is now. Endgame has begun.
Google Niantic is building a mobile location-based augmented reality videogame inextricably tied to the books and mythology, a major prize will be tied to a puzzle in each book, and Twentieth Century Fox has bought the movie rights. Read the Books. Find the Clues. Solve the Puzzle. Who will Win?
James Frey is originally from Cleveland. He is the author of the bestselling novels, A Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard. He lives in New York. Nils Johnson-Shelton is the author of the Otherworld Chronicles series for tweens. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his family.