A funny, magical and colourful story collection for young children. Garth Nix's trademark frtile imagination and spellbounding storytelling is sure to capture a whole new generation of fans.
The stories are Serena and the Sea Serpent in which a small girl discovers that being a Penguin maid is too much fun, Bill the Inventor in which a young orphan discovers that finding ideal parents is very tricky indeed, Blackbread the Pirate, in which Peter discovers that the world beneath his feet is fraught with rude rats and The Princess and the Beastly Beast in which Rinda discovers that monsters are not always so terrible on the inside...Garth Nix takes on a younger audience with this collection of magical adventures.
Garth Nix was born in 1963 and grew up in Canberra, Australia. After taking his degree in professional writing from the University of Canberra, he slowly sank into the morass of publishing industry, steadily devolving from sales rep through publicist, until in 1991 he became a senior editor witha major multinational publisher. After a period in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia in 1993, he left publishing to work as a marketing communications consultant. In 1999, he waas lured back to the publishing world to become a part-time literary agent. He now lives in Sydney, five-minute walk from Coogee Beach, with his wife, Anna, and lots of books.