Strange things are happening in the magical world of Troll Fell and the security that Peer has grown to know and love begins to look very shaky.
Who has broken into Bjorn and Kersten’s house and caused such chaos and why is the mill wheel turning? Trolls are on the loose and there may be no stopping them.
Sequel to the highly-acclaimed "Troll Fell", this is just as exciting, dramatic and atmospheric. But watch out! You never know what sneaky creatures are lurking in the shadows of Troll Mill, waiting to jump out at you! With a piercing squeal - with an anguished wooden groan - with a roar of muffled waters - Troll Mill woke from its sleep. For three years, Troll Mill has stood empty, and Peer Ulfsson has found a home with his friend Hilde. But in the shadows of eerie Troll Fell, surrounded by sly and mischievous creatures, life doesn't remain peaceful for long! Returning from a hard day's fishing, and with a violent storm brewing, Peer watches horror-struck as his friend Kersten rushes to the shore - thrusting her young baby into his arms - and throws herself into the sea. Struggling home with the baby, Peer passes the old mill, once owned by his wicked uncles, and sees the millwheel turning! But it has been derelict for years! Who or what could be lurking in the shadows? This exciting, atmospheric novel from rising star, Katherine Langrish, mixes adventure with folklore monsters to create a brilliantly creepy sequel to "Troll Fell".
Katherine Langrish grew up in Yorkshire, England and has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. She graduated from London University in 1979 with a First in English, and worked in an assortment of odd jobs including waitressing, teaching riding, and six years as Information Officer for Lloyd's Register of Ships in London. This last was an entertaining post dealing with an assortment of the ship-crazed public, including a man who claimed he could see shipwrecks with his ‘magic eye.’
Married with two daughters, Katherine moved to France with her family and became involved in a storytelling group providing weekly stories, drama and activities for children. And the storytelling continued when the family relocated again, this time to the small town of Corning in New York State.
On returning to England in 1999, Katherine began writing Troll Fell, a folklore-based fantasy novel for children set in the Viking age. It was sold at auction to HarperCollins for a six-figure sum and was followed by the sequels, Troll Mill and Troll Blood. The books follow the fortunes of young Peer Ulfsson and his friend Hilde in a richly-imagined Scandinavian world. As Katherine says, ‘I am allergic to heroes with swords, rings and other magical gadgets, so my characters have to work out their problems by their own efforts.’ The final book in the series takes the pair across the Atlantic in a Viking ship to the coasts of ‘Vinland’ (Nova Scotia). As part of her research she spent time learning to sail a replica Viking ship on Roskilde fjord, Denmark. Katherine approaches her fantasies as ‘history with the beliefs put back in’ – incorporating the beliefs of people of the past who took for granted the existence of trolls, ghosts, and other spirits. Her books have been translated into nine languages.