Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal 2014 In the winter of his eleventh year, Little Hawk goes deep into the forest, where he must endure a three month test of solitude and survival, which will turn him into a man. But outside the woods, the world is changing. English settlers are landing on the shores of the New World, and tensions between native tribes and the invaders are rising. Little Hawk's fate becomes irreversibly entwined with that of John, a young English boy who dares to question intolerance. He is witness to a secret murder - will he now be witness to bloodshed between nations?
In the winter of his eleventh year, Little Hawk goes deep into the forest, where he must endure a three-month test of solitude and survival which will turn him into a man.
But outside the woods, the world is changing. English settlers are landing on the shores of the New World, and tensions between native tribes and the invaders are rising.
Little Hawk's fate becomes irreversibly entwined with that of John, a young English boy who dares to question intolerance. He is witness to a secret murder - will he now be witness to bloodshed between nations?
Ghost Hawk is the work of a writer with great imaginative power and long-practised narrative skill. I was swept up in the story, shocked, moved, and enthralled - and completely convinced by the historical background. I haven't read anything better for a long time. Philip Pullman
Moving and long lasting, this is rich storytelling, and is probably Susan Cooper's finest work so far -- Marcus SedgwickGuardian
evocative and moving Garth Nix
This book is nothing short of a masterpiece. The Bookbag
Moving and thought-provoking novel Maximum Shelf
About Susan Cooper
Born in England, Susan Cooper was a reporter and feature writer for the London Sunday Times before coming to live in the United States. Her television screenplays for adults have received two Writers Guild Awards and two Emmy nominations. Susan Cooper lives in Connecticut with her actor husband, Hume Cronyn.