September 2012 Book of the Month. The Odd family delight in making mischief, and playing tricks on each other, or on the unsuspecting residents of the town of Trott. But they meet their match in the Plopwells - a seemingly unflappable couple whose dastardly plans make the Odds look like a bunch of goody-goodies. Can the Odds work together to defeat the fiendish pair?
Have you ever put down a drink, gone to do something else, and come back to find the drink is nowhere to be seen? That's the Odds. Mrs Odd, Mr Odd and the twins, Edgar and Elsie are a family of Professional Pranksters.
Adam Perrott is a former bookseller who is now a stay-at-home dad. In between looking after his two young children, he also writes jokes for professional comedians. His debut Eerie Deirdre Darkly won the inaugural Beryl Bainbridge Award for a First Time Author at The People's Book Prize.