Having spent the summer dodging mutant werewolves and barking-mad scientists, Nat Carver and Woody, his shape-shifting friend, have joined the Twilight Circus of Illusion before going in search of Woody's long-lost clan. But instead the boys are caught up in a thrilling new adventure, the second in the Wolven series.
Di Toft was born in the black and white olden days of 1958, in Watford, Herts. A move to Somerset ten years later reinforced her love of the countryside and animals.
At school, she bribed friends to read her early stories, which were usually about vampires or ponies, or people being electrocuted in the bath. Some stories featured vampires and ponies, which wasn’t always a popular combination. During the long hot summer of 1975, Di left school to find most of the best jobs were being done by other people. Her varied career has led to jobs in advertising, sales and watching people dig holes in the road. She has also edited publications as well as written editorial and advertising features for newspapers and magazines. Although a very early ambition to become Dr Who’s assistant was sadly unfulfilled, she is delighted that her other ambition to be a published writer came to pass in 2001, when she sold her first story to a magazine.
Di lives in Somerset with her husband and daughter; her grown up son lives in London. Sharing the house is Dave, a dog so large, he can actually be seen from space on Google Earth.