9+. What’s the worst thing you can think of about an animal? How about “Toads only eat prey that moves” or “Turkeys will peck to death members of the flock that are physically inferior or different.” Even the nicest animals can have disgusting characteristics and dipping into this entertaining book will introduce you to many of their worst. Loads of facts in such a handy sized book. It's a jungle out there...so why not make yourself a brainbox with funny animal facts such as...why porcupines are so pongy, why angry monkeys fling their poo at each other, why ostriches pee on their own legs and how many hearts a squid has. The science that underpins it is good making it a useful source of knowledge as well as fun to read. A great series to get kids into reading. Titles in the series include Human Body, History, Creepy Crawlies and Animals.
Mitchell Symons was born in 1957 in London and educated at Mill Hill School and the LSE, where he studied just enough law to get a Third. Since leaving BBC TV, where he was a researcher and then a director, he has worked as a writer, broadcaster and journalist. He was a principal writer of early editions of the board game Trivial Pursuit and has devised many television formats. Currently he writes an award-winning weekly column for the Sunday Express.