A Lovereading4kids 'Great Read' you may have missed 2011 selection.
A truly special picture book. It's the story of Zou the Zebra as he spends his first night away from his parents. Both endearing and reassuring for both parent and child, this is a wonderful book to read aloud. Zou discovers he can cope on his own and even offers to comfort other little zebras with the help of something very special...
Publisher Julia Marshall on why she chose this book:
"In this book, Zou forgets his own fear and sadness when he helps others, especially those smaller than him. But Michel Gay is never smarmy. This book makes you remember exactly what it was like to be on your own for the first time."
Zou is preparing to leave for a school camp. He doesn't want to seem like a baby, but he knows that he will miss all his daily kisses: the bedtime kisses, the morning kisses, the no-reason-at-all kisses ... But Zou needn't worry. Mum and Dad have a solution. They make dozens of paper kisses and put them in a box for Zou to use whenever he feels a bit lonely. But the box of kisses comes in surprisingly useful on the train ...