This is a terrific Cautionary Tale for mischievous kids demonstrating as it does that perhaps life’s not so great when spent solely in the pursuit of vileness And when two of the pupils of the University of Vile discover that helping each other is better than being vile to each other, they’re banned from the school and end up being very much happier at The Ancient School of Manners. With rhyming text for parents to read and shorter snippets on every page for the child to join in, this is a great book to read together from 3+ and for kids to enjoy alone when they’re a little older.
Vile A Cautionary Tale for Little Monsters Synopsis
Lessons at the University of Vile are strict! With a timetable designed to refine the skills of grabbing, snatching, pushing, shoving, surreptitious tripping and not-paying-attention, pupils must strive to hone their bad manners, poor personal hygiene and repulsive habits. Graduation depends on pupils demonstrating their monstrosity at all times. Those who don't meet the grade are destined for things far worse - disqualification and quick enrollment at the dreaded Academy of Manners! With a revolting cast of nasties, brought to life by Sarah Horne's scratchy illustrations, this mischievous picture book demonstrates that perhaps life's not so great when spent solely in the pursuit of vileness -
As a child, Mark Robinson would only read books by torchlight under the duvet. It is the same mischievous attitude that he brings to his writing. Full of edge and verve, Mark’s playful style particularly appeals to boys. Whilst not writing, Mark competes in marathons and triathlons, and loves cycling (monster hills, no problem). Mark has three children who have excellent manners. But then… he raised them.