This entertaining story tells how copying fiction may not always work well in life…After Charlotte has read Jane Eyre she falls in love with Mr Rochester and is determined to find a modern day Mr Rochester as a new partner for her own Mum. When a dark, brooding and mysterious stranger turns up, Charlotte is sure that he’ll be just the thing. But her modern day Mr Rochester fails to live up to expectations. Charlotte realises she’d be better off leaving fiction within the covers! This modern spin on a much-loved classic will have you swaying between all manner of emotions as you're gripped by its pages.
What's not to love about Jane Eyre? Gothic and passionate, it features the ultimate male hero - Mr Rochester. And that gives Charlotte a top idea: she'll look for a new Mr Rochester for her lovely mum. So when Charlotte finds the ideal man - dark, brooding and mysterious, he's PERFECT. But he also turns out to be sarcastic and rude. Does Charlotte really want her mum marrying him? Perhaps it would have been better if Mr Rochester had stayed between the covers of Charlotte's favourite novel...?
Kay Woodward has written many bestselling books, including Robot Wars: The Ultimate Guide, The Big Jungle Hunt, Hooray for Piglet, Happy Feet, the Flower Fairies series and The Dahlmanac.