This is the book that will get you and your child out of the house (away from the computer games and the TV) and into the great outdoors seeking out all sorts of exciting things to do during Spring and Summer, or indeed at any time of the year. Wildlife and beauty is all around us – whether you’re in a city or the country - if only we just open our eyes and look. There are loads of activities packed alongside the very helpful information. Whether it’s recognising birdsong, identifying the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly, checking out an ant colony or making itching powder to use on a friend (!) this book will provide hours of wonderful entertainment for kids and adults of virtually any age. It’s a book that is crying out to get its cover dirty alongside giving dirty hands to all the family.
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Features nature activities, ideas and information. This book tells how you can go pishing for birds, become a bat detective, take a city safari, find snakes and lizards, identify spiders and their webs, look for owl pellets, make nettle soup or itching powder from rosehips, and, make a bark rubbing, and an elder-stem peashooter.