This is an enchanting series from author Sue Mongredien, perfect for children, particularly girls of 7+. When Molly Holmes and her family move to Horseshoe Bay to live with her grandmother, Molly is delighted to receive a pretty shell necklace as a present. But it is no ordinary necklace for it unlocks the door to a magical underwater life - a world where Molly joins the Shell-Keeper mermaids for some magical mermaid adventures whilst the rest of the world sleeps. There are 6 adventures in all with The Enchanted Shell being the first one. Why not follow Molly's further adventures with mermaids Ella, Pearl, Delphi, Coral and Shivana as they help keep the oceans safe from the evil magic of Dark Queen Carlotta. To view all the titles together go to Sue Mongredien's author page.
For even more information on The Secret mermaid series then click here, or if you’d like some Secret Mermaid e-cards, they are available for children to send secret messages to their friends by clicking here.
A piece of passion from the Editor: I adore plunging into the enchanting underwater world of The Secret Mermaid series. By day, Molly Homes is just like any other girl, but by night she becomes a shell-keeper mermaid on a magical mission – the perfect read.
When Molly Holmes moves with her family to Horseshoe Bay, her grandmother gives her an enchanted shell necklace that magically transforms her life. The power of the necklace transports Molly to the Undersea Kingdom, where she discovers that she is a Secret Mermaid and meets lots of new mermaid friends.
"Sue Mongredien has her finger perfectly on the pulse of what children enjoy." The Book Bag
About Sue Mongredien
Sue Mongredien is a highly successful children's author of the Frightful Families and Royal Ballet School series, plus some of the bestselling Rainbow Magic books, as well as her Oliver Moon stories. She was born in Nottingham in 1970 and studied English at Leeds University. After graduating, she worked as an editor of Children’s Books at Random House and Transworld in London before leaving to go travelling around the world for 18 months. After returning to the UK, she worked for the OUP and then the BBC. She now lives in Bath with her family.
Sue Mongredien has had over 60 childrens’ books published, including the “Frightful Families” series, and she has contributed many titles to the “Sleepover Club” series. “Anyway You Want Me” is her first novel for adults.