Young Reading: Series One. The hilarious tale of a lazy magician's apprentice who tries to use magic to speed through his work only to find that he can't control the spells he has conjured.
This level is perfect for children just starting to read confidently on
their own. These are 48 pages in length with 1000-1500 words. They use
fairly short, simple sentences and everyday vocabulary. Typically,
these titles contain several short stories or one longer story divided
into chapters. Fables, folk tales, history and contemporary fiction
form the mainstay of this level.
Part of the "Usborne Young Reading Series 1" series, this title is aimed at children just beginning to read to help build confidence and ability. It includes the tale of a sorcerer's apprentice whose laziness causes him to dabble in magic far beyond his abilities, before the consequences of his actions start to spiral out of control.